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Terms & Conditions

1. Shipping Plans will be created by the client or Elkhorn Prep & Ship LLC and approved by client.

2. We will not start our processing time until we have an approved shipping plan and the product in stock.

3. Our processing time is 24-72 business hours. An additional 24 hours may be needed from October through December.

4. All payments will be made through Wix Pay Link.

5. All damaged items will be destroyed after 30 days if you do not advise us what to do with the inventory via email.

6. All extra items will be destroyed after 90 days.

7. Any removals from Amazon that do not have your name on them will be destroyed.

8. We will provide our fee reimbursements to you for products that have been mislabeled by Elkhorn Prep & Ship LLC. We require that the products are sent back to Elkhorn Prep and Ship LLC and we will provide pictures to you of mislabeled items. On the occasion that the items are not mislabeled, and Amazon is at fault, Elkhorn Prep & Ship LLC will not provide fee reimbursements.

9. Elkhorn Prep & Ship LLC reserves the right to retain inventory for unpaid invoices.

10. Elkhorn Prep & Ship LLC will not disclose or use any supplier information to any outside, third-party.

11. All invoices will be sent out on the 1st of each month.  Invoices that are not paid within 5 days will be charged a $30 late fee.

12. We require all of our sellers to use InventoryLab.  We need to be added as employees to the account so we can enter the shipping information into your account.  We also will need to be added to your Amazon Seller account as an employee in order to print mailing labels.

13. Elkhorn Prep & Ship LLC is not liable for loss to the property unless caused by our negligence. We would recommend all of our clients have coverage of their own covering their property.

14. Elkhorn Prep & Ship LLC accepts a maximum limit of liability for loss or damage to the client's property as the client's purchase price of the property damaged or lost.

15. All items designated as hazmat/dangerous goods must be preapproved by Elkhorn Prep & Ship LLC before shipping to us.

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